I See You… You Look Like a Prick

We are not afraid of changes here at the UCHG. We welcome the next generation consoles and games into our home, with their flash HDR lighting and super mega awesome exploding smoke effects. Couple this with the genius motion based controls of the Wii and we thought we had seen it all. Where would the games industry go next? A PlayStation controlled by your mind? Maybe a hyper sensitive Wii controlled by power glove esq controllers?… or none of these. Instead the games industry turned to the almighty and often pointless 3D!

Now we are not talking standard 3D graphics here, they have been around for a while, we are talking

Stereoscopic 3D!

3D glasses

What this does, providing you have a monitor capable of 120Hz, is turn most of your games into a fully immersive stereoscopic 3D gaming experience. The action will leap out of the screen and beat you about the face! It’s being billed as the next big thing in gaming and cinema destined to revolutionise the entertainment world as we know it… just like Blue-Ray.

The only downside to this wonderous savior of gaming is its tendency to make you look like a competitor in the special Olympics or a massive Ray Charles fan. None of these things are good. You may well be enjoying that 3D goodness but your mates will laugh at you and your girlfriend will suddenly realise how much of nerd you really are and subsequently leave you.


So call us overly fashion conscious but until Oakley get onboard and make some decent glasses we are going to stick with the original and best retro Stereoscopic 3D game. The Rubix Cube!

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