The UCHG 2013 Retro-Spective
Come and join the UCHG as they take a saunter back through the twelve months that were 2013.
The month of eternal darkness. After the ruthless and unprovoked attack of December 2012 the UCHG was in Terminator Repair Mode.
There were no screams. There was no time. The UCHG was back! Starting the year off with a good old fashioned declaration of War. The UCHG had dragged itself back from the brink. It was back bigger, better, faster and stronger. There was even talk of it being harder!
It was also the month to make a bid for freedom with the outstanding puzzler Escape Goat
The wait was finally over as Hitman Absolution landed and provided the answer to the most important question of all – Is it better than Blood Money?
Two Thief games were ticked of the 1001 games list whilst Brad discovered how bad he is at Mario on the Game Boy.
March also saw the addition of new member to the UCHG Team.
April kicked off with the UCHG getting Mashed
Ross destroyed Crazy Taxi getting to the end in 5 minuets! and Brad confessed to his love of Boys – Game Boys.
To finish things off Fen played so much GTA it was criminal… He also ticked a fair few off the 1001 list in the process.
Years of searching came to an end when a decent CRT TV was secured and the light gaming could commence.
There was of course only one game to play – Duck Hunt
Yet another N64 was added to the collection bringing the total up to 3! Fen had so many questions but so little Pi after picking up one of the tiny beasts. He also found time to tick House of the Dead Overkill off the 1001 list.
A month of mixed emotions and bum sex..
It is said that the almighty Ross took six days to create the Earth and on the seventh day he played Reus
THQ was no more and Brad posted an interesting screenshot from Hitman Absolution
The UCHG discovered that Twitter is not the space between your Twat and your Shitter – that is your perineum. Upon discovering this they provided some recommendations from the Retro Gaming Twitterverse.
The ATARI Lynx was a welcomed addition to the collection as well as an introduction to some classic titles such as Ninja Gaiden, Xybots and Hard Drivin’
September was all about one thing – Zombies!
The men of the UCHG survived the Zombie apocalypse in a fight to the death staged at a disused Shopping Mall in Reading.
In other news Red Faction: Guerilla became the 81st game to be struck off of the 1001 list.
Was the month that Tom Clancy passed away so a special memorial video was posted in honor of his greatness.
Ross embarked on a mission to play through Duke Nukem 3D and Wave Race 64 was revisited with hilarious results.
As Halloween was upon us it was only fitting to roll up our sleeves and hit the Splatterhouse
Into November and the videos kept coming. This time GoldenEye on the N64 and the worst idea the UCHG has ever had – Super Weapons.
Ross continued to kick ass and chew gum in his quest to finish to Duke Nukem 3d. Fen remembered the Playstaion in all its forms whilst Brad played scrabble…
With Christmas looming Fen looked back at the Die Hard series of games as well s finding time to tick the truly pointless Spider: The Secret of Bryce Manor off the 1001 list. It was not a total waste of time as he also discovered the truly epic Desert Bus at the same time.
The final video of the year came in the form of Mario Kart on the N64. There is no better way to end a year then by driving in to your own green shell…
And so there you have it. Another 12 months of retro gaming goodness have been and gone. The passing of another year means more games slip into the realms of retro to be enjoyed once again by the UCHG.
We would like to thank everyone for their support throughout 2013. For all the site views, comments, tweets and emails we are truly grateful.
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