[1001] Ratchet & Clank
The Ratchet & Clank series is now pretty well known, and has spawned a hell of a lot of games — currently standing at around 12 in all, with re-releases and ‘HD remakes’ still turning up for the current generation of consoles. It’s a popular series — and of course there’s good reason for that. Let’s look at 2 of the 3 that feature in the 1001 list –
1001 No.62: ‘Ratchet & Clank’ (PS2, 2002)
The original game in the series was a relatively early PS2 title, coming out 2 years after the PS2 itself. But you’d never know it — it looks great, and even playing through it today I was surprised at the framerate and generally impressive look of the game. The voice acting is well done, and the characters of Ratchet (a weird kinda rabbit alien thing) and Clank (a little robot dude) are rather loveable — it’s a nice comedic duo, and you do warm to them.
The premise is pretty simple — you’re just some rabbit thing minding his business, when (with the arrival of Clank) you get caught up in a galactic struggle to save the universe from a crazed evil alien, whose plan it is to build all over other people’s planets. Basically a mad property developer.
It’s essentially just a platformer, but with many different kinds of fun weapons — so many that sometimes it’s a pain just to cycle through them all. It’s simplistic, slightly lengthy if anything, but fun — and certainly not without its challenges. You can see why the series really took off, as it manages to tread that line of frustration vs reward, with plenty of variety to keep you hooked. You hop from planet to planet, shooting bad guys and collecting 1000’s of bolts, which act as currency.
1001 No.63: ‘Ratchet & Clank: Tools of Destruction’ (PS3, 2007)
This new instalment of the series was the first to appear on the PS3, and so as expected takes advantage of the increased abilities of the system — it looks fantastic, and plays superbly. All the elements are still there from the previous game — it’s the same kind of shooter/platformer, with an even bigger arsenal, more stuff to kill, more bolts to collect, and more planets to visit. The storyline is nothing special either — another case of ‘save the galaxy’, this time from a creature who seems determined to exterminate your species.
On one hand you could say it is far too similar, that it’s just ‘more of the same’ — and I’m pretty confident that every Ratchet & Clank game plays pretty identically — but why change a winning formula? Obviously there are always a few new features, new weapons, etc — but it’s like any major gaming series — Zelda, Mario, Sonic — it’s consistent.
That’s not to say I’d put Ratchet & Clank up there with those giants of gaming — it’s great, sure — but it still does just feel like it’s missing that special something that would make it a real classic series. Saying that, I will still give the many other titles a go someday…
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