Brad’s Backlog – Organ Trail Director’s Cut

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I can’t believe I have had this game for this long and not played it! It’s quite simply awesome!

Organ Trail is a post-apocalyptic zombie survival game that looks, sounds and feels just like you are playing on an Apple II machine. The premise is simple – Get from the East coast to the West coast of America without dying! For added feeling you can name the members of your team after your friends. I opted for the UCHG and Will Smith, Wesley Snipes was busy!

As the trip progresses your party members succumb to the perils of the road – and the hoards of undead! Keeping on top of the supplies is essential as well as having the industry standard sized man parts to make the odd tough call.

It’s hard to really do a game like this justice with words alone. There are so many random events that will destroy the best made plans whilst making you laugh out loud or cry with frustration!

Check out the slideshow below to see how my journey unfolded. Then get out there and tick this little gem off your list!

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That’s 2 down. 12 to go!

Brad’s Backlog – Alan Wake

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Boom! Alan Wake is done.  I write this having just finished the game and I have to say it feels good.


Not good as in “Man that game was good.” But good because that’s one off the list and I’m off to a flying start! I also have a bit of a knob-on for playing it through on Hard without even realizing I had opted to.

Alan Wake is a fine game to tick off the list. The story (although far fetched at times) flows nicely and the well crafted sense of constant threat and suspense keeps you on the edge of your seat. It is one of those games that promotes the tactic of running the fuck away – and I appreciate that. Although not always the most honorable or fun tactic to use, it is nice to have the option available. Despite ammo and batteries being readily available throughout the game I still found myself hoarding them like a mental person! If I could make it to the light and save some rounds it felt like more of an achievement to me. This style of play put a nice fight or flight twist on the game and, in my opinion, sets it apart from your standard scary shoot ’em up.


The story is nothing short of messed up. All sorts of crazy darkness related hell is kicking off and only Alan can save us! The story revolves around a book that Alan has written whilst being possessed by an old woman. You can find pages of the book scattered throughout the game and reading them can reveal whats coming up next. I found the pages to be a mixture of spoilers and stress. Reading them can ruin the surprise of whats to come or just let you know that its not going to get any easier. I stopped reading and kept shooting – it was the best way!

Overall Alan Wake is an awesome game. Any game that ends with you fisting an old lady so hard she explodes is defiantly worth a bash!  I recommend that anyone who owns it plays it, and those who don’t own it buy it! It may be a while before I go outside at night without a torch, take a holiday in the woods or stay anywhere near a lake! But it was totally worth it.

Remember – It’s not a lake. It’s an Ocean.

New Years Resolution

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Happy New Year! You know what that means? It’s time to make those hollow promises the world refers to as “New Years Resolutions”.

Every year millions of people vow to give up  smoking, eating chocolate and to get fit. Then whilst sitting on the sofa, lighting up, eating a Kinder Egg and getting fat they forget all about it.

It would be easy to join the ranks of these lardy promise breakers but that is not how we at the UCHG roll.

So here it is – this is my New Year resolution.

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I, Brad of the UCHG, promise not to buy any new games in 2014 so I can clear my backlog.

Now here comes the science part. My backlog is comprised of the games listed below. I am not permitted to purchase any new games from now until the 1st of January 2015, this does not included the purchase of retro games to add to the collection. Games are permitted to be given as gifts. Games given as gifts can only be started once the backlog has been cleared. The backlog does not have to be played in any order and the games will be classed as finished once the single player campaign has been completed. I am not restricted to just playing games from the backlog, I am allowed to play games I have already completed or titles from the retro collection.

The Backlog

  1. Alan Wake
  2. Batman Arkham Asylum
  3. Batman Arkham City
  4. Crysis 2
  5. F1 2013
  6. Far Cry 3
  7. LA Noire
  8. Lego Batman
  9. Lone Survivor
  10. Mirrors Edge
  11. Organ Trail
  12. Populous
  13. Prison Architect
  14. Reus

There they are – 14 games and 12 months to play them in. I will of course provide evidence of each game as I finish them. Unless I end up on the sofa with the other bloated liars.