Weapon of Choice

The world has seen many great weapons over the years. The Glock 17, the Mosin Nagant, the AK-47 and the HK 416 to name but a few.

There is however one weapon out there that puts the likes of the M16 to shame and makes the Desert Eagle look like a child’s pop gun! It is…


This beast is the bad boy of the light gun world. Designed for the SEGA Master System it was heavier than its rival, the Nintendo Zapper, and considered by many to have a much more responsive trigger and better accuracy.

It also had the balls to be completely black , making it look more realistic. Despite the fact it appears to have been designed by a man using only a set square and ruler, it was used to great effect by a Brazilian bandit who held a woman hostage for ten hours in order to settle a debit of 42 Brazilian Dollars!!!

As well as being a useful tool for retrieving around £15 the Light Phaser can also be used to play Safari Hunt!

Safari Hunt

Safari Hunt is the kind of game we at the UCHG love! It has one rule and one rule only… If it moves, KILL IT! The objective of the game is simple,  score a certain amount of points by wasting anything that moves! That includes bears, fish, birds, spiders and monkeys! That’s right; it’s a game that promotes the shooting of monkeys!

There may only be three screens in the game that you play on a loop, but thats more than Duck Hunt had and it’s still a challenging and fun game to play. It also comes built into one of our Master System consoles so we really can’t escape it!

And if you really don’t get on with it you can always take your Light Phaser and go get some hostages!

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