ATARI Jaguar! – “Do the Math”

First off just look at the box

Jag box

How cool is that!!!!

It is possibly the coolest box in gaming history. A perfect example of grade A nerd porn!

The contents happily live up to the expectations given by the ultra cool box….

Ladies and gentile men I give you

The ATARI Jaguar

Jag and games

The Jaguar was the first 64-bit gaming system and sadly the last from Atari. Never in a million years did I ever think that I would own one of these. Let alone one with Doom, Cybermorph and Tempest! The blood has only just started to return to my head!

The Jaguar is a true cult classic and takes pride of place in our collection. Even if the controller does look like an 80’s car phone.

Have you played Atari today?

I certainly have!!!

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One Response so far

  1. Ross says:

    The Jag kicks ass, and Tempest 2000: Amazing, that game is awesome. Doom is nearly flawless, being an excellent port just without music. Jags kick ass … we need more games for this one…
