The First Friend of UCHG
Console Challenge – Mario 64!
The Ultimate Condensed History of Gaming started almost accidentally, a N64 testing session turning into the marathon of playing Mario 64 through to the end.
After hours of expletives and namecalling of the titular plumber, 70 stars were painstakingly achieved, and were received with much jubilation. Bowser’s ass was then thoroughly kicked.
Was over 6 hours of our lives really worth it? Oh yes. The real question is: when’sa your Dolmio day?
Enjoy the vid!
Fen and the UCHG team
The Ultimate Condensed History of Gaming – the Blog is Born
So the blog has arrived…well here goes:
This is the Ultimate Condensed History of Gaming! Join Fenner, Brad, Steve and Ross as they travel through the history of gaming, playing games and talking crap until they run out of money to buy outdated stuff on eBay.
We hope you listen to our drunken ramblings, in the hope that no matter what your age or gaming background is, you’ll discover something you didn’t know, or just find it really really funny.
Several retro consoles, an arcade machine, and many many stupid ebay purchases later, some may think this has started to spiral out of control: but we tend to think WE’VE ONLY JUST BEGUN!!
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Find out more about the project, see the ‘Rules’ page for our House Rules, and the ‘Vids’ page for all footage and more!
The UCHG Team