WIN – What’s in the box?
Following instructions, I picked up a package that arrived today, addressed to Brad – who’s still away.
The question is, what’s inside? I opened up the box, but as I was about to remove the bubble wrap, a snarling growl came from within, and I was forced to back away. Obviously I’m not the one meant to be first to see inside.
Here’s as far as I got:
So I’m going to put the question out there – what does anyone think is inside the box? Just to make things exciting, if anybody does guess correctly, you’ll actually win something from our collection – something amazing. Our first competition – how exciting!
Judging from what I know already, it’s not a DVD player, a gun, or a box of Shreddies: but it is most definitely retro game related…and might have something to do with animals. Though this may be a lie.
You’ve got about one week to give your answers; and the winner will be announced on Brad’s return – if anyone comes anywhere near close that is.
What’s in the box?
Get thinking!

Brad is away…
Brad is away, in Thailand apparently – though it’s probably a cover for something more illicit. While we mourn his absence, life goes on.
In the news today, another ship was attacked by pirates (gaarrr) – this time with RPGs (not Warcraft), automatic weapons, and explosives.
And yet, they didn’t manage to capture the tanker. Why was this? Well, new photo evidence has provided a strong clue.
Apparently Somalians don’t like being Menaced.
What else will Brad achieve on his travels? Only time will tell…
WarioWare: Smooth Moves
Well this certainly is a bit of a break from tradition…but it just had to be done. That’s right, it’s
WarioWare – Smooth Moves!
Ross brought his wii-wii over, and we all had a go. What an awesome game; we obviously especially love the retro gaming sections – fighting a giant NES R.O.B robot holding a Zapper in a Starfox stlye? Just amazing.
Of course, nothing beats the final stage…just try to keep from passing out in laughter as you watch Ross go crazy…
Enjoy the vid!
And have no fear…VERY retro stuff will be coming soon…

Here wii go again
The Day Ross was Lost
A few years ago now our good friend and fellow UCHG member, Ross, was lost to the filth that is World of Warcraft!
One day he simply disappeared from the Ass Monkey’s CS:Source server never to be seen again.
Reports flooded in that he had fully succumb to the diseased piece of software and only we could save him!
We struck right at the heart of the beast and immediately emailed those responsible for unleashing this God forsaken game on the world
Blizzard Entertainment
Here is the original email and response detailing our efforts to save young Ross form certain destruction.