Say What Again!
For a long while now we at UCHG HQ have been forgetting the answer to one of life’s most important questions.
A question so pivotal to everyday life that the answer is practically a matter of life and death.
What Does Marcellus Wallace Look Like?
Is he bald? Is he black? And, even more importantly, does he look like a bitch?
In times gone by, if Jules were to demand the answers to these questions, we would most certainly be shot in the face! But no longer!
Thanks to this handy reference guide we will never have to say what again. Now all we have to do is find out who shot Marvin in the face.
Death is his business – and business is awesome (Big Talk)
In a follow up to our last vid on Hitman 47, we finally get around to looking back at the undisputed best assassin-sim game in the world –
Hitman: Blood Money
This is a game so good that it’s been Brad’s ‘Game of Year’ for every year, even before it existed – and just talking about it has made us want to go right back and do it again. If you haven’t played this one, you really have missed out.
Did we mention that we like this one?

My Lethally Enforced Gaming Torment
Hello everyone. It’s me Brad, you know the Israeli looking one. Everyone here at UCHG HQ has turned their backs for a second and I’ve jumped on the old pc to share a little story with you. A story of mind-blowing ecstasy and heartbreaking torment.
Are you sitting comfortably?
Then I will begin… It all started on the day we have come to know as Christmas. Now it’s no secret that I love a good weapon based game.
One of my all time favourites is the Lethal Enforcers series by Konami. Imagine my little face when I opened a present from Fenner Clause to not just find a copy of Lethal Enforcers but a copy of Lethal Enforcers 2 Gunfighters, and, wait for it. The God Damn Konami Justifier light gun!
The blood ran straight to my head as I almost passed out with excitement. There before me was two of my favourite light gun games and a true classic of a light gun. It was almost the best present I have ever received.
Once the blood had returned to the right head I wiped the drool away and took a closer look and this seemingly biblical gift. What machine do I need to rig up to play it? The Sega CD. The Sega CD?
I don’t own a Sega CD!
Just to put this into perspective. Imagine walking into your room after work and finding Elisha Cuthbert, naked, beckoning you over. You casually wonder over to her as you undress, sensuously tripping over your pants. As you climb into bed next to this beautiful woman, you roll over to face her and are greeted by Ross Kemp (double hard bastard could have been in the SAS if he wanted to but said no). Devastating is an understatement. Fen, as kind as he is, has bought me a game i’d love to play for a console I don’t own.
I’ve searched and searched on eBay but to no avail. All I can do is sit holding the Justifier and imagine shooting Fen in the balls with it.
So until I can get my dirty little paws on the elusive Sega CD I’m just going to crawl back into bed with Ross Kemp.
Traditions of the Hitman Trade (Big Talk)
Everyone knows that Hitman: Blood Money is Brad’s Game of the Year, every year; but do you know why his favourite number is 47? Where the whole series started may not be so well known.
Most people have heard of Hitman: Contracts, maybe Silent Assassin – maybe even the recent spin-off film. But where did it begin?
We take a look at Hitman: Codename 47 – the original game of the franchise. Though a little dated, these humble beginnings still have all the groundbreaking and unique elements that made the series into the gaming juggernaut that it is today, and that really kickstarted the whole stealth genre.
Sit back, enjoy our first vid of 2010, and check out a massive piece of gaming history.