It’s a Way of Life.

I would like to start this post with a story…
A group of men play games for many years and they go to war, playing all of the games in the history of gaming.
Afterwards they turn in the games and they believe they have finished with them.
But no matter what else they might do with their hands…
Love a woman, build a house, change their son’s diaper…
Their hands remember the games.
It has been almost 12 months since I last wrote something for the UCHG and for this I am sorry. It was never my intention to walk off into the sunset and abandon my mission. I planned to take a short break after I had relocated my arm of the UCHG and then get stuck back into it. This wasn’t how it went down. The days off turned into weeks and then into months and now I must stop this before the months make a year. People have said to me that this period of leave is the result of “growing up”, “maturing” and “becoming responsible” but this is clearly bollocks. I have not responsibly grown up and I remain as mature as a TESCO rump steak. I simply got carried away.
You see there is a small element of truth to be taken from the “maturing into a grown up responsibly” argument. It is true that I now have a smaller amount of free time due to the commitments of my work and the pumping of some sweet vag. But I feel that I have used that free time wisely.
The truth is that I am lazy, and as I mentioned before, I got carried away. Over the past months instead of playing a game and then writing about it, or shooting a video and then recording a Big Talk. I just played more games. During my time away I became the F1 2011 world champion twice, got lost in LIMBO, prevented the worlds end at the hands of terror in MOHWF, set new records in Mario Kart Super Circuit on the GBA, sobered up and shaved my head in Max Payne 3, played so much Battlefield 3 I started to think I was Russian, survived an Alien Swarm, went in search of Absolution as 47, played some serious Tetris mother fucker, kicked off my F1 2012 campaign, nuked the world in DEFCON, developed an addiction to Hill Climb Racing on my phone, wept at the mess that is Mario Kart Wii, went back to Black Mesa, competed in the California Games and reignited my love affair with Battlefield 1942.
It may have been a while but now I am back. I promise to share more of this gaming goodness and not to mature into some responsible grown up. Life may move on and the pumping will continue but no matter what I do with my hands, my hands will always remember the games.
This is more than just a hobby. It’s a way of life!
Some awesome games on that list.
It’s interesting to think about how many games you play in a year. I don’t really stop and think about past games that often these-days, I tend to just move onto the next one as the list that I want to play through keeps extending (Alien: Colonial Marines, anyone?).
This is why I always enjoyed our big talks. A chance to reminisce about all the great times we each had in our own way while completing classics.
Damn dude, and now you’ve got me into Hill Climb Racing on android.