I Need To Use The Bathroom

If you cast your minds back to April 2011 you may remember the UCHG’s appeal for help? The help was needed to end the suffering at the hands of this little bastard.
The UCHG reached out to the public for assistance in getting rid of this mustachioed menace. Originally brought in to guard the collection he had grown too powerful and had developed a thirst for world domination!
As the years went by the tiny camo covered meanie became more and more of a pain in the ass. Dictating which games were to be played and when, what console would make the top 5 list and even providing a schedule for when Ross could breath in and then out. In an effort to end the torment, the men of the UCHG imprisoned the maniacal moustache wearing menace in a cupboard and vowed never to open it again. Until now!
A call came through to the UCHG HQ office phone, which was odd as not even the UCHG know the number for the office phone. On the other end of the phone was a lady calling herself Diana and claiming to work for the ICA. She said she had seen our appeal and was in a position to assist with our little issue. She was to send us a new member of the team.
Agent 47
What will 47 bring to the team? At this point all we can say is – This town isn’t big enough for the both of them…
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