Archive for July, 2013

THQ, gone but not forgotten

Ironically this post was originally going say goodbye to Red Faction, in the wake of the cancellation of the series – but ended up saying farewell to the company that created it. However, there is some light at the end of the tunnel… Alongside the major announcements in gaming this year like the PS4 and… Read More »

The power to create and destroy!

I have a soft spot in my heart for god games, not necessarily RTS’ (where you get the god’s eye view, and which I do also enjoy) but the type where you can annihilate your creations when they start to doubt your omnipotence, or in some cases when you’re just pissed off at the world (more… Read More »

Good Old Policing
Take him round the back and pump him for information…..

Taking inspiration from Mark Webber in Valencia 2010 – I got my Merc vertical after running out onto the grass in the final corner of Hockenheim. I didn’t manage to get totally airborne but did pop a mad wheely all the way down to the start finish line!

Magic Cable

If there’s one thing that becomes apparent as a fan of gaming in general, it’s that you collect many cables. Cables for controllers, cables for power, cables for video, audio, obsolete aerials, cables for what seem like no purpose at all. And that may well be true. But I’ve found a new cable. My favourite… Read More »