Chase that Chicken!

But what do I do once I’ve caught it?


Shag it!

This is COCK’ IN

Cock' In intro

A game for the commodore C64 that is all about the humping. The idea behind the game is to get your ass into the hen house and get it on! Once inside the sordid hen house of obscenity you will hear a little tune that signifies you are indeed getting your cock’ in!

Cock' In 3

After the delightful little tune you exit the house and, providing you have done a good job, the hen will come out and lay an egg. You must guard that egg with your life!

Cock' In 2

There are many enemies of the egg that will try to eat it before it can hatch. These bad ass gangster egg eaters range from hedgehogs to snakes and must all be fended off with the peck of your beak!

The more you peck them the more points you get! If you fail to beat them all off and they eat your eggs you lose a life. Not cool!

Cock' In 1

The longer you remain in the seedy hen house of lovin the more hearts you get. This results in multiple eggs to protect. However hitting it several times in one sitting can be exhausting! and you must regain your strength by eating the corn in the bottom corners of the screen.

Simply put Cock’ In is all about eating, fighting and shagging! what more do you want?

Its a simple game that is hilarious to play and a must for anyone with a C64.

And what if you dont own a C64?

Well you can always Beat ‘Em & Eat ‘Em

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2 Responses so far

  1. gadgetspectrum says:

    Love it! 😀
